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A sustainable development has been defined in many different ways but the most common definition is the one found in the so called Brundtland Report: “Sustainable development is development that meets

the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to

meet their  own needs”.

The concept is composed of three pillars: economic, environmental and social, also known

informally as: profit, planet and people.

As society at large becomes more and more aware of the price our planet has to pay in

the name of  progress and global economy, governments and businesses are

required to frame their decisions with an     eye on the long-term economic,

environmental and social impact, rather than on short-term gains.

The push for a sustainable development is particularly evident in areas such

s energy generation and manufacturing with an urge to find cleaner and

renewable sources in the former field and to move into more circular and

less impactful production processes for the latter.

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CO2 Emissions

Definition and Scope

Traceability is defined as "the ability to identify and trace the history, distribution, location, and application of products, parts, and materials, to ensure the reliability of sustainability claims, in area of human rights, labor (including health and safety), the environment and law compliance practices".

Many global brands have been challenged to review their supply chain policies to have full visibility on raw materials origin and production process involved in the manufacturing of the product they buy. this issue becomes even more important in the specific of the leather industry when the connection between cattle ranching and deforestation has now been identified by many NGO’s as a major environmental problem.

One of our main goals is to guide your organization towards and along this path of "transparency". Identify suppliers that are engaged in the process and able to provide clear "farm to tannery" or "source to mill" data.

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Factory Pollution
Social Responsibilities

Area of Improvement

Through robust traceability it is possible to provide transparency and improve sustainability outcomes across multiple areas of risk associated with the raw material supply chain operations:

Animal Welfare

Favor sourcing from regions of the world where farming practices have clear protection for animal welfare with supporting data from birth to slaughter.

Deforestation & Biodiversity Preservation

Protect the delicate natural ecosystem balance not just within forests but also grassland and marine environments - all of which can be directly or indirectly impacted by reckless cattle grazing and industrial agriculture.

Forbidden Chemicals Use & Environmental Pollution

Certifications and transparency are vital to ensure manufacturers comply with the best practices when it comes to wastewater management, CO2 emissions, and ​restricted chemicals protocols. 

Fair Treatment of Workers

Social responsibilities such as adequate working conditions, salaries, and health insurance coverage are also a very important part of the path towards a more responsible approach to sourcing and manufacturing.

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